Creating Life Coaching Packages: What to Include and How to Structure Them

Are you an online coach looking to create life coaching packages? Learn what should be included in any life coaching package and how to structure them.

Creating Life Coaching Packages: What to Include and How to Structure Them

Are you an online coach looking to create life coaching packages? If so, you're in the right place. Life coaching is still a relatively new industry, and there are no set guidelines on what should be included in a package. However, there are some key elements that should be included in any life coaching package. Quenza can help you easily and efficiently offer personalized life coaching solutions with those you advise, and provide you with everything you need to grow your online business even more effectively.

Solution-focused coaching packages are a great way to package your coaching solutions. These packages should include sessions that help clients maximize their progress, as well as email support. Additionally, it's important to remember that mentality coaching is not a stand-alone package, but rather something that should be included in any life coaching package. A mindset coach generally supports and guides clients using the same evidence-based frameworks or approaches.

When creating your list of training services, it's important to focus on two or three levels of training right now, while also brainstorming future services where you would like to grow. Additionally, it's important to consider how you will structure your training package. An hourly rate is great for clients who are willing to visit and work with you on a consistent basis, but who may not yet be sure if life coaching is best for them. Alternatively, a monthly fee is great for those who are willing to commit to your services.

Finally, it's important to note that some people may be able to reimburse their life coaching expenses through their health insurance companies. Ultimately, creating life coaching packages is a great way to scale your services and reach more clients with your solutions.