How Much Can Life Coaches Earn?

Learn how much life coaches get paid and how to set your own rates for life coaching services. Find out how to increase profits and create a sustainable model.

How Much Can Life Coaches Earn?

Life coaching is a rapidly growing field with many opportunities for those looking to make a career out of it. With the right niche, knowledge of the average income life coaches make, and ways to supplement your income, you can start to put a price on your training. For example, if you decide to focus on helping clients increase their salary by 25% in the next year, you can offer online coaching services. Recent surveys conducted by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) show that 52% of coaches agreed, and 11% fully agreed, that Vision and Life Improvement Coaching will become more popular in the next six months.

This is close to the average salary of a life coach (or business or executive coach). Additionally, you can offer private sessions with you at an additional cost for highly personalized training. Mel Noakes is a great example of this; her self-care coaching website is a great example of what a membership site can look like. Starting a coaching business is the best way to increase your profits and create a sustainable model that allows you to achieve a broad return on investment for years to come.

However, it's important to remember that there are many people who proclaim themselves life coaches but don't get any response. Mentoring is another way for life coaches to build long-term relationships with other life coaches who have less experience than them and guide them through their career. A coach with less than one year of experience cannot charge the same fees as an experienced coach with over ten years of experience. Because there are many factors that affect your rates, there is no fixed price you should charge for your life coaching services.

With the rise in demand for life coaches, competition within the industry has also grown considerably in recent times. Customer testimonials are a great way to show potential clients the benefits of your training programs and prove your track record.