Can I Teach Myself to Become a Life Coach?

Are you passionate about helping others? Learn how you can become a professional life coach through self-learning and certifications.

Can I Teach Myself to Become a Life Coach?

Are you passionate about helping others and want to become a life coach? Becoming a life coach is an exciting journey that requires dedication, hard work, and the right training. Self-learning is an option for those who want to become a life coach, but it is important to understand the skills, aptitudes, and experience needed to be successful. Coaching shares certain core competencies with other helping professions such as teaching, mentoring, and counseling. A life coach is someone who wants to make a difference in the lives of others by helping them overcome their challenges.

It is important to understand what to expect in terms of income when transitioning to a business. If you are serious about becoming a professional life coach, there are certifications available that can take anywhere from 16 to 100 hours to complete. The Health Coach Institute offers a self-taught dual life and health coach course that provides both certifications in one seamless experience. To get started in this career, you need to find an accredited life coach certification program that provides the education and tools needed to earn a life coach certificate.

You will earn three certifications in an iPEC Certified Professional Coach (CPC) credential, along with two other credentials that can help you differentiate yourself from other life coaches. Once your coaching business is up and running, you will need to prepare your own life coach training program that will allow you to pass on your knowledge to your audience.

Life coaching

is an unregulated industry and does not require a college degree, work experience, or previous certifications. However, if you are looking for a certification program with a shorter completion time, consider certification from the Certified Life Coach Institute.

A life coach helps their clients overcome obstacles to achieve their goals and become happier and more satisfied with life. It may seem intimidating at first, but with the right training, tools, and experience, you can prepare yourself (and your business) to become a successful life coach. Unfortunately, many aspiring life coaches miss out on the opportunity to follow their passion due to bad advice from life coach training centers and marketing gurus who are only interested in selling their own product. Good life coaches are good listeners but there is much more to life coaching than just listening.

With over 25 years of personal experience running a life coaching business and training others to do the same, I have put together a list of business and administrative tasks that need to be completed when setting up your own life coaching business.